Hybrid Organic- Inorganic Photon Upconversion

The Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) supports International Research Experiences for Students (IRES). Starting 2019, for three years, this IRES will support an intensive twelve-week research experience for both undergraduate and graduate students in Fukuoka, Japan. Students selected to be a part of this program will spend eight weeks at the University of California Riverside campus in the laboratory of Prof. Ming Lee Tang, building a foundation in triplet-fusion based photon upconversion. After spending the first eight weeks at UCR developing a solid understanding of the basic scientific principles, students will fly to Japan for the last four weeks of the program. Once at Kyushu University, students will work with Prof. Nobuo Kimizuka and Prof. Nobuhiro Yanai towards creating air-stable self-assembled photon upconversion platforms.